Message from the Void


This morning I received the following message when journeying to the Above – the journeying and meditating being part of the daily practice of the 1 year course Path Of The White Wolf – and something is urging me to share it here:

“Choose softness and love, as there is no need for holding, for fear, for attachment, for fear of the unknown.
All is the unknown.
We know nothing.
What we think we know we hold on to, and through that holding we cannot see the beauty, the magic, the possibilities, the warmth, the joy, the Love of the Void.
There are the glittering stars, the spaciousness.
There is the softness, warmth, joy, even in the midst of chaos and despair.
There is the Space.
Let go and feel the Space. The Space of All That Is. The Void. The Nothingness. The Isness. The Beingness. The Aloneness.
The Alone-ness in the Not Alone of the Oneness. Bliss.
Follow the vibration.